The Rainy Season is Coming

Are you planning to reroof your home or building? You need to do all your research and be prepared before you sign a contract.
As you meet with various contractors, home owners and building owners need to be smart and ask some important questions.
Failing to ask a few questions might cost you plenty in the long run.
Here are five simple questions to ask before signing a contract:
1. Are you licensed?
Many skilled contractors practice without a license today. Even though this is unwise, many roofers do this out of economic need. It is better for your investment if you hire someone that has a license. Be sure to check their credentials before signing a contract, you will be glad that you did.
2. Do you have referrals?
This may sound like a basic question, but remember if someone does not have referrals of projects they completed in the area, this may be a red flag to not hire them. When they tell you their referrals, it is important that you talk to these people and make sure the contractor is qualified to perform your job.
3. How long will the job take?
Another important question involves the duration of the job. You need to know when the contractor anticipates finalizing your job. Make sure you understand if there are any circumstances that could prolong completion of your job. For example, in some cases, weather could make a job last longer orthee may be material shortages that could delay your project.
4. When do you expect to be paid?
Next, know the anticipated payment plan for a job. If a contractor expects it all up front, you might want to shop around. Typically a deposit is required at the time of signing the contract and a final payment upon completion of the job. If you pay in full up front, you have no bargaining power if the project has problems or poor workmanship issues.
5. Can I get a refund?
Lastly, discuss what happens if the job doesn’t pan out right. Know if there will be a possibility of a refund. This protects your investment and ensures that the contractor has motivation to perform their best work. Refunds are generally rare on construction projects, however, holding up final payment of the balance due can motivate the contractor to complete the project to Your satisfaction. Most reputable contractors want you to be satisfied and will take necessary action to do the job right.
This is a short discussion on the questions one should ask when contracting for ANY type of construction work.
With so many contractors competing for a share of the work, you can secure an excellent contractor for your project at a great price and still get excellent work if you do a little homework.
All the best for a smooth project,
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