Guerrilla Wealth Tips for Roofers (Recap #1) 3/3/2014

March 3, 2014 at 09:38

Tony Chalupnik


Guerrilla Wealth Tactics

Here’s a quick recap of the first five Guerrilla Wealth Tactics:
1. Rich and Successful people have 3 financial intentions
* Working Income is always going up
* Passive Income is a must. Making money while you sleep.
* The Value of your company is going up…Always.

3. “Revenue is not Profit”
4. “Rich People are Experts at What they Do”
5. “Focus on Higher Ticket Items”

GWT #6
Find High Volume Buyers for lower ticket products or services.

Regardless of the dollar value of what you sell, there are opportunities to sell this in a higher volume way.

Also consider combining products in a package at a higher price.
Eric Lofholm teaches a distinction: “Think in combinations”

IE: You may be able to combine shingles, solar and a maintenance program for a single client and boost the dollar value of that project.

Here’s to finishing the quarter strong!


PS – Click Here FREE TRAINING For a free hour of top sales training from one of the best trainers on the planet, Eric Lofholm.

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