The 17 Secrets of Writing Powerful Copy!
"Copy is the Oxygen that makes all your Marketing work!"
-Marketing Superstar Joe Polish-
Number 8 & 9 are Here!
No. 8 -Building Massive Value-
Massive is the Keyword.
Show them, Tell them and Teach them why you or your product is the valuable option.
"Higher value is perceived with higher price"
No 9 - Pre-Answer the Main Objection
Address the objection in the copy of the presentation.
Get the barriers out of the way early
Re-frame and explain why your product or service will lead to a better result.
Thank you for checking back each week and be sure to comment.
PS -
Are you a public ...
The 17 Secrets of Writing Powerful Copy!
"Copy is the Oxygen that makes all your Marketing work!"
-Marketing Superstar Joe Polish-
OK, Secrets 6 & 7 are up!
No 6. Use Emotional Appeals in your copy.
Emotional Appeals are: Profit, Pride, Pleasure, Desire for Approval, Pain or the most powerful appeal, "Fear."
Make a list of motivations that apply to your target before you start writing copy, and be extravagant. Use descriptive words.
IE - "You don't have to suffer anymore"
"Avoid these 7 costly mistakes when selecting a Roofing Contractor."
No. 7 Specificity Sells.
Specifics build Trust and Rapport and most of the time, we lead with trust and r...
The 17 Secrets of Writing Powerful Copy!
"Copy is the Oxygen that makes all your Marketing work!"
-Marketing Superstar Joe Polish-
Secrets No 4 and 5
4. Use Stories in Your Copy - Stories bring up emotion, have heart and make copy more interesting.
5. Transform Product Features into Benefits -
Re-frame all the features into:
"What's in it for me," for the target client.
Spell it out for them.
Helpful hint:
For every feature answer the simple question -
What's So Great About That? You have your benefit!
PS -
Do you want to become an public speaker or just polish up on your delivery?
Eric Lofholm is teaching a Free one day course on Ap...
The 17 Secrets of Writing Powerful Copy!
We started with an attention grabbing Headline No. 1
No. 2 & 3 - Next we need to offer a Pain/Pleasure Solution, and/or Use a Problem/Solution Opening.
IE: Do you know someone who hired a roofer and ended up with a bigger mess than the small leak dripping into their livingroom? We've fixed leaks and re-roofed for most of your neighbors.
Call us at (555) 235-1234 and we can teach you the five simple steps for locating and solving the most common roof leak problems while we are preparing your free estimate.
This technique will convey trust and credibility. You can include qualifications, education and even include ...
Writing Powerful Copy To Grow Your Business!
Today is an exciting day, and one I hope you find extremely beneficial.
I will be sharing some "Golden Nuggets" on the important subject of Copy Writing over the next several weeks.
The 17 Secrets of Writing Powerful Copy begins NOW!
What do I mean by Copy Writing?
The base of All Marketing is Copy-Writing,
and Copy Writing is a learnable skill.
1. The first step is a Great Headline (Title)
This can include a Sub Headline and/or Title.
In an email - this will be the Subject Line.
The Headline is the Hook. It must pop and Get their attention Fast.
70 to 80% of your ad's effectiveness involve...
A Last Look At The 21 Ways To Close More Sales Now!
21 Golden Nuggets to help your business Grow and Expand...
1. Create A Testimonial Book
2. Go Back To Existing Customers
3. Invigorate Your Selling Habits
4. Hire An Assistant
5. Model A Top Producer
6. Write Down Your Goals
7. Create A Written Plan For Each Selling Day
8. Learn From Books, Audio Recordings & Seminars
9. Use Technology
10. Get More Referrals
11. Achieve Mastery
12. Discover Where The Money Is
13. Use The Law Of Averages
14. Practice Your Close
15. Master Objections
16. Define Your Outcomes Before Each Sales Call
17. Act As If You Will Achieve Your Sal...